Neighborhood Improvement Planning
- Facilitation/project management of neighborhood improvement plans
- Convening Neighborhood Planning Teams
- Coordinating project work
- Business case development
- Policy advising
Academic Lead: David Edwards, Georgia Institute of Technology
Neighborhood Health Measurement Strategy
- Developing consensus on design of the index
- Overseeing inputs collection
- Quantitative sources (Neighborhood Nexus)
- Qualitative sources. longitudinal surveys (FCS Training & Consulting)
- Neighborhood Narratives (Atlanta POV)
Academic Lead: Ishita Chordia, Georgia Institute of Technology
Place-Based Public Safety Program
- Place-based micro public safety strategies
- Blight remediation and eradication
- Community-driven crime reduction
Academic Lead: William Sabol and Volkan Topalli, Georgia State University
Smarter Cities Analytics
- Developing an integrated smarter cities program for neighborhoods undergoing revitalization efforts
- Transportation monitoring and analytics
- Environmental tracking
- Partnership with the Mayor's Housing Team to conduct climate-oriented engineering for facilities and housing on public land
Academic Lead: Debra Lam, Georgia Institute of Technology
Equity in Property Tax Assessments
- Assessing the degree to which property tax assessment methods are leading to unjust burden sharing
- Examining methods deployed by Fulton County Tax Assessors
Academic Lead: Elora Raymond and Brian An, Georgia Institute of Technology
Douglass Cluster Strategy
- Developing a strategy for improving the performance of the Douglass Cluster
- How can APS partner and leverage the technology company investments on the westside?
Academic Lead: Kamau Bobb, Georgia Institute of Technology